Message from the Board

By Linwei Wang, Executive Secretary


We hope you find our June (Summer) issue of the MICCAI Quarterly informative. It’s a very busy time for the Society, not only with planning for MICCAI 2024 (less than 100 days away!) but also with some new initiatives to help support and grow the MICCAI community.

The MICCAI Society Awards have been streamlined further to increase clarity, reduce overlap, and support early-career scientists to be able to attend our conference. Last month, we announced that applications are being accepted for the MICCAI Society Registration and Travel Grants, the NIH Participation Awards and the new Travel Grant for African Participants. The adjudication and notification process will be carried out on a rolling basis so apply early. Learn more in this issue or on the MICCAI 2024 conference website.

We continue to seek donations to help fund travel costs for African students and early-career researchers to attend the conference. You can make a donation when your register or online here.

We also accepted proposals from volunteers to create three new Special Interest Groups or SIGs. The purpose of a SIG is to bring the community of SIG-specific researchers and clinicians together for in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas at MICCAI events. We are pleased to introduce the newly formed SIG-xMedIA, SIG-FAIMI and SIG-Cardiac. Read more in this newsletter.

On behalf of the Board, our sincere gratitude goes to the MICCAI 2024 organizing committee for their commitment to deliver an exciting conference. We also thank the hundreds of area chairs and reviewers who have been working extremely hard to review an unprecedented number of paper submissions. Congratulations to the authors whose papers have been accepted! We look forward to seeing your research.

Registration for MICCAI 2024 is open so it’s time to plan your trip to Marrakesh and experience a MICCAI conference like no other. Read more in this issue to learn more about what’s in store for this year’s conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Marrakesh!

Linwei Wang
Executive Secretary, MICCAI SocietyPage under construction